red hook's living room. where I met my future husband and love of my life. where I also met some of my most incredible, talented, broken, quirky friends. if I wasn't behind the bar for the random happy hour shift, you could find me on the other side of it most days. a few months in advance of the closing in january 2018, it started to really sink in that I would never get to feel that room again -- the room had a hive feeling and, for better or worse,  you could thrive on the general mood of the lot of us. it was truly a beautiful thing. novelist Ivy Pochoda captures & describes this perfectly in her very apt and touching eulogy for Grubstreet.

it's been several months now, and I'm finally getting around to compiling the hundreds (or perhaps thousands) of photos that I frantically (mostly drunkenly) captured.  sean and I joked that we would call this series "from where I sit."

you can leaf through "from where I sit" below. in addition to the drink, all photos were taken with available/natural light (no flash), so the quality isn't the best in some shots. nonetheless, I hope this brings back warm memories to those who loved that room in the same way that I did.

if you'd like to use any of these photos, don't be a thieving douchebag - please contact me for permission.

if you are featured in any of these photos and would like for them to be removed from the website, please contact me

May 2017

june - September 2017

October 2017

November 2017

December 2017

january 2018